There are 3 steps to a Soul Tune Up™:
Step One: We start with Soul in a reading.
We are going to:
Seek the
Openings to
Untangle your
We'll do this with a personalized reading. I'll tap my psychic gifts to answer your deepest questions. Don't worry if you don't know what to ask. The answers you need will come forward to be heard.
Step Two: We TUNE in for a soul retrieval.
We will:
Tap into your
Need to
We will do this through an ancient shamanic practice - a soul retrieval. Every time you experience trauma in your life, there is a piece of you that goes into hiding. It's that piece of you that never experienced the trauma. That piece of you that is whole and complete - already healed. You will recover that piece of you!
Step Three: You level UP.
We will dive in and:
Unleash your
We'll do this with a laser coaching session. It's okay if you don't know what you want or need to be coached on. The answers always emerge in the process. All you have to do is show up ready to play!
You get 3 Private Sessions!
* A Reading
* A Soul Retrieval
* A Laser Coaching Session
This is a full Soul Tune Up™!
A $1,000 value for $599